Guaymas Yard: Round 1

Bienvenido a Guaymas!

... A very familiar place for us to return to, but the first time that we have been returning to Sedna, who did extremely well over the hot Mexican summer. All those nay-sayers who poo-pooed our hard work on re-varnishing the boat... guess what?! It worked! It's beautiful, AND it's still there. No peeling our bubbling, just some good looking brightwork. 

The yard seems extra quiet this time of year. Cruisers and boat yard workers are just beginning to pop up out of the woodwork, literally. Several of the boat owners in the yard were here over the summer, and have been slowly chugging away at small projects inside their hot fiberglass boats. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to work here on a boat during the summer-- it's terribly hot right now! It's nine o-clock in the morning and 85 degrees INSIDE the baking boat, with all of our fans on an a wind scoop around the forward hatch to direct some sort of a breeze down below. The heat of the yard has always given us a little cabin fever. It's a great motivator to get out of bed and do what needs to be done to get the boat back in the water, where she belongs.

But... before we do that, we're finishing up the bottom job that we started with Francisco last spring. Sedna desperately needed to be ground down to fiberglass and built up again, something we are happy to do in Guaymas, as well as get new topside paint. The very iconic green you see in the photo is so oxidized and burnt by the sun, that you can rub your hand across it and come up with a green palm. Soon, Sedna will a black beauty, with black and red bottom back and a dark Jade green top side to contrast the teak bulwarks. 

Beginning to Aquire Tape

In the last several days I've been playing around with my new digital recorder and microphone, gathering some sounds and some of my first interviews. As an extra ridiculous challenge to myself, one of my first interviews was all in Spanish! I had to write out sentences for myself, learn the Spanish words for my recorder (mi grabadora) and "Now, I'm recording," (Ahora, estoy grabando). My friend Sarah Conarro would also be proud to know that I'm ending my interviews (entrevistas) with the phrase "Alguna palabras de consejo?" Any words of advice?, directly after I tell them that Clif and I are preparing to cross an ocean someday.

I'm looking forward to gathering some more words of advice and wisdom from the guards in the yard, as well as some thoughts on cruising from the other boaters that are arriving daily. 

Last night we brought over new friends, Ty and Haily of S/V Varuna, to chat and record a bit about how they got into sailing, what they enjoy about their cruising lifestyle and what their cruising future plans hold-- which is a hell of a lot! New YOUNG cruising friends it a treasure, there's not many of us, and it's so fun to find each other and share stories when we do. They are creating some nice videos along their journey, which can all by found on their YouTube Channel: Adrift Adventures. Check it out!

More to come....


Giselle Miller